Engine capacityGasoline engine: 2000cc (official 1997cc) and 2500cc (official 2488cc)
Diesel engine: 2200cc (official 2188cc)
Driving type2000cc is available in FF Two Wheel Drive (2WD) only
2200cc & 2500cc is Available in FF Two Wheel Drive (2WD) and Four Wheel Drive (4WD)
Transmission typeSkyactive-Drive 6 Speed Automatic Transmission (Active-matic)
FuelAvailable in both Gasoline (Petrol) engine and Diesel engine
Passenger capacity5 (According to Japanese law)
Engine type2000cc Gasoline engine: PE-VPS . DOHC . 4 Cylinders . 16 Valves
2500cc Gasoline engine: PY-RPS . DOHC . 4 Cylinders . 16 Valves
2200cc Diesel engine: SH-VPTS . DOHC . 4 Cylinders . 16 Valves . Turbo
Number of doors5